Beautiful Roses - Different types of Roses From A to Z- Roses Photos / Pictures



3d street art, street art graffiti, amazing street art, urban street art street chalk art


3d street art, street art graffiti, amazing street art, urban street art street chalk art

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USA Paint Art Blog USA artists Blog

Lighthouse nautical art gift print
Zebra oil painting fine art print
Fountain at The Vault on Broadway in Columbus
Limited edition print
Georgia Farm art painting

Magnolia acrylic flower painting

Fine Art Flower Watercolor Painting

Fountain at the vault, Columbus GA


Da Vinci Artwork


The Lady Chapel Interior.

Poet's corner.

Abbey spires.

Westminster Abbey exterior.

da vinci study of anatomy

da vinci study of anatomy

Leonardo da Vinci Anatomical studies of the shoulder

Leonardo Da Vinci anatomy drawing for Bones of the arm

Leonardo Da Vinci anatomy drawing for comparing dog leg with a mans

Mysterious hand holding knife.

Magnification of person accompanying Jesus.

Later reproduction of The Last Supper.

The Last Supper.

Virgin of the Rocks (version accepted by the nuns).

Virgin of the Rocks (version rejected by the nuns).

Da Vinci self-portrait.

Codex with reverse handwriting.

The Vitruvian Man.

The Mona Lisa.

Pakistan Tribal Truck art - Art Of Pakistan - uniqueTruck Art

Just like the Billboard painting performed in Pakistan, there is another indigenous form of art performed in Pakistan and it is the Truck Painting. With its all colorful floral patterns, depiction of human heroes with creative aspect ratios, calligraphy of poetic verses and driver’s words of wisdom, this form of art is truly a part of Pakistani transport tradition.

This art is so Pakistani, that the freight trucks which are built by Ford, General Motors, Hino Pak etc in beautiful aerodynamic shapes are first retro-fitted with very Pakistani stlye bodies and a special ‘viewing deck’ at the top of Driver’s cab. The ‘viewing deck’ is a very multipurpose extra space. It is used by ‘cleaners’ to sleep at night and also to load extra luggage when needed.

Pakistan Tribal Truck Art peshawar

Pakistan Tribal Truck Art Stand

Pakistan Tribal UniqueTruck Art

Pakistan Tribal UniqueTruck Art On Karachi Rodes

Pakistan Tribal UniqueTruck Art Frount Frame

Pakistan Tribal UniqueTruck Art  on Atuck

Pakistan Tribal UniqueTruck Art on Buses

Pakistan Tribal UniqueTruck Art on Workshop

Pakistan Tribal UniqueTruck Art Stand

Pakistan Tribal UniqueTruck Art on Night

Pakistan Tribal UniqueTruck Art workers

Pakistan Tribal UniqueTruck Art Lover and Masdoor

Pakistan Tribal UniqueTruck Art on Bus 

Life style of Pakistan Tribal UniqueTruck Art Worker/ Musdoor

Pakistan Tribal Truck Driver and UniqueTruck Art

Pakistan Tribal UniqueTruck Art on Different Styles

Pakistan Tribal UniqueTruck Art on Different Styles

Pakistan Tribal Unique Truck Art on Swat Rodes

Pakistan Tribal Unique Truck Artest

Pakistan Tribal UniqueTruck Art on Different Styles

Pakistan Tribal Unique Truck Artest

Pakistan Tribal Unique Truck Art on moterway

Pakistan Tribal Unique Truck Art stand
